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Jenny Ebermann

CEO Wikimedia Switzerland and Personal Development Professional
Grown up in Brussels and living in Switzerland since over 13 years, Jenny Ebermann is an international innovative and visionary Senior Leader and Personal Development Professional. Originally with a sports, economics and management background, Jenny currently serves as CEO for Wikimedia CH - the organisation supporting free knowledge, and among other projects, Wikipedia.

With over 17 years of successful multicultural, cross-functional, virtual team and organisational management, she possesses hands-on experience in the Public Sector, International Organisations, NGOs and Multinational Corporations (B2B/ B2C) in various countries and continents.

As a former Board Member of the European Association for Mindfulness Based Approaches (www.eamba.net), as well as active Member of the Swiss Mindfulness Association (https://www.mindfulness.swiss), Jenny is passionate about mindfulness, communications and leadership in international and school settings.

She is trained in mindfulness for adults by Bangor University, UK and adheres to the UK Mindfulness-based teacher training organisation’s good practice guidance. Concerning children/adolescents, Jenny has been trained by mindfulschools.org in the US and is certified by Eline Snel, from the Dutch Academy for Mindful Teaching (AMT).